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The first stream

Now we have taken the leap into the unknown and become livestreamers! Although technical challenges were not avoided in this venture, the first stream for leisure operators has now been held and recorded on YouTube. So feel free to check back at any time to see how we got on. Thanks to everyone who came along live to watch our morning chat. Questions can still be posted in the comments section of the taltio or by emailing However, leisure operators should be quick with their purchasing decisions, as the promotion is still running for a couple of weeks. For more information on the campaign, see the previous blog post. 

The aim would be to continue streaming in the near future so that operators in each of our customer segments can find the most accessible and informative content possible on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned, so you don't miss the stream that interests you! For example, next month we'll be showcasing our Keylist service, which will revolutionise access control in the housing sector.

Streams can definitely be held more often than we had originally planned. If you think of any topics relating to our wider systems that you'd like to ask about, just drop a line in the comments of the latest stream. We'll read them there. Otherwise, our website will also serve as a source of information, so be sure to take a closer look at that too!

The stream can be found at: