Smart and innovative access control services.charging services.
Find out more about the services we offer and contact us. We offer solutions for access control, space management and electric vehicle charging.
Do you want to
open your doors in an innovative way, make your facilities reservable or offer electric car charging to your staff, guests and customers?
We promise to
bring your entrances and facilities into the smart modern world,
kasvattaa asiakaskuntaasi &
enable you to organise your business efficiently through automation.

Accommodation and parking
Access control for lift and access doors and a reservation system for shared spaces in one service
In the residential context, a set of services to meet all access and reservation needs, making it possible to manage, for example, the car park and shared spaces of a housing association.

Sport and leisure
Selling shifts, products and courses on a digital platform
Vapaa-ajan toimialalla toimiville yrityksille suunnattu palvelu, jonka avulla on mahdollista tuoda asiakkaat muun muassa liikuntatilojen, saunojen tai muiden vuokrattavien tilojen äärelle helposti. .
Industry and businesses
Electronic access control to business premises and industrial sites
A service for industry to manage electronic access control. Booms, lift gates and gates are opened and managed using a web interface and a mobile application.

Contact us to make it easier for you to maintain your operations.
Do you want to use our services
for your business?
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