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Sport and leisure

Access control

Kulunvalvontajärjestelmällämme sinun on mahdollista hallita kaikkia sisäänkäyntejäsi automaation avulla. Järjestelmä tarjoaa turvaa ja avaimetonta vaivattomuutta.

Tarjoamme kaikenkokoisiin tarpeisiin skaalautuvat kulunvalvontaratkaisut, joihin on mahdollista yhdistää yrityksemme muita palveluita koska tahansa.

Jos sinulla on ovi, puomi tai portti, johon etsit kulunvalvontaratkaisua, löydät sen meidän innovatiivisista vaihtoehdoista!


Tolotech has ISO 27001 security certification, a security business licence and over twenty years of experience in security technology. 


The software and hardware are entirely Tolotech Oy's own production in Tampere. The hardware has The Key Flag Symbol.


Our system is scalable to suit your needs. No matter how many entrances and users you have, or how many ways you open.


A mobile app ensures effortless access. Open doors, gates and barriers with the ToloGo app;  on smart phone or smart watch.

Phone call

A phone call is a traditional access method that always works alongside an application or as a separate access method.

PIN code / RFID opening

Tolotech Oy also provides a keyboard with the equipment if required. In this case, access is by means of a unique PIN code or RFID tag.



Editing basic information about the location

Editing door information

Adding access rights

Restriction of access rights

Viewing the access rights list

Review of access logs

Opening the door with the desired opening method

Requesting the access rights

Reviewing your own access history

Review of own access rights

View your own locations on a map or in a list

Näin etenemme:

You only need to:

Identify your needs

What kind of need are you looking for a solution from us?

Send a contact request

Enter your name and email address in the form below and press submit. 


We'll be in touch with you soon to help!

We'll do the rest:

Identifying the need

What kind of location is it; How many doors are there and what kind of doors are they? How many users would there be? What kind of opening methods would users prefer?

Offering the right system

Let's arrange an meeting either on-site or remotely, so that we can offer you a system package perfectly suited to your needs.

Installing the hardware

We will install the equipment required for your system quickly and safely. 

Training for use

We provide training on how to use the system, as well as comprehensive written instructions for all parties involved. 

Managing maintenance

If there are challenges with your hardware, we'll take care of the maintenance so you don't have to do anything. 

Henri Pelkonen, Pöytätennis Jyväskylä

“Kun kulunvalvontalaite ja -sovellus tulevat samalta toimijalta, mahdollistaa se paljon asioita. “

Christina Reinikainen, TamSK

“Kätevää on, että koodit saa suoraan ohjelmalla arvottua, ja ne on helppo laittaa voimaan haluamalleen ajalle.“

Hanna Westman, Kirkkonummen Koirametsä

"Aikaa säästyy, kun kulkuoikeudet linkittyvät varauksiin automaattisesti.“

Increased efficiency and safety

For more than two decades, Tolotech has been providing its customers with access control systems that are ahead of their time, which has also enabled the development of several equally long customer relationships.

Are you interested in our advanced system?

Booking system

ToloGo is an application that meets all the needs of a housing association. The reservation system allows you to reserve saunas, club rooms, laundry rooms and other common areas, with access rights activated for the user who has made the reservation. In addition, the sauna heater can be linked to the reservation control system.

Our system allows you to define your shifts as paid or free of charge. It is also possible to create different dynamic pricing schemes.

ToloGo is first and foremost a service solution where booking and access control go hand in hand. The services are seamlessly linked to the electronic door/barrier/gate. The end user receives access to the premises for the duration of the reservation and the administrator receives logs of all openings.


Tolotech has ISO 27001 security certification, a security business licence and over twenty years of experience in security technology. 


The software and hardware are entirely Tolotech Oy's own production in Tampere. The hardware has The Key Flag Symbol.


The reservation system supports the organisation of multiple spaces to be reserved. In the application, different types are displayed separately and spaces categorised under the same type are displayed side by side. 

Näin etenemme:

You only need to:

Identify your needs

What kind of need are you looking for a solution from us?

Send a contact request

Enter your name and email address in the form below and press submit. 


We'll be in touch with you soon to help!

We'll do the rest:

Identifying the need

What kind of facility is involved; Do you need access control in addition to a booking system? How many spaces are involved and what are their characteristics? Will the spaces to be reserved be made visible only to a specific group of users?

Offering the right system

Let's arrange an meeting either on-site or remotely, so that we can offer you a system package perfectly suited to your needs.

Installing the hardware

We will install the equipment required for your system quickly and safely. 

Training for use

We provide training on how to use the system, as well as comprehensive written instructions for all parties involved. 

Managing maintenance

If there are challenges with your hardware or software, we'll take care of the maintenance so you don't have to do anything. 

Lasse Erjamo, Martinlaakson pysäköintihalli

"The absolute strength of the Tolotech access control system is its overall increased security in the Martinlaakso hall."

Reijo Kuusela, Länsi-Viikinmäen pysäköinti

"Tolotech's access control system allows the user to gain access to entrances without delay."

Sami Vainionpää, Helsingin Arabianranta

"For me, data security and domesticity play an important role when it comes to the data protection of residents' personal data."

Increased efficiency and safety

For more than two decades, Tolotech has been providing its customers with access control systems that are ahead of their time, which has also enabled the development of several equally long customer relationships.

Are you interested in our advanced system?

Charging EV

The service for charging electric vehicles provides you with charging points and the software needed to manage them. Bring your residential building into the automation-filled modern age in one fell swoop.

The chargers will appear in the ToloGo mobile app, making it easier to use them, for example at the entrances to your car parks. Charging your electric car has been made as effortless as possible in the app, without ignoring customers' wishes for a good-looking appearance. The app is constantly evolving and development is always customer-driven.


Tolotech has ISO 27001 security certification, a security business licence and over twenty years of experience in security technology. 


The software and hardware are entirely Tolotech Oy's own production in Tampere. The hardware has The Key Flag Symbol.


An electric vehicle charging system is scalable to your needs. Remote load management ensures hassle-free everyday life with charging stations. 

Näin etenemme:

You only need to:

Identify your needs

What kind of need are you looking for a solution from us?

Send a contact request

Enter your name and email address in the form below and press submit. 


We'll be in touch with you soon to help!

We'll do the rest:

Identifying the need

What kind of site is it; How many charging stations does the site have room for? Does the site have adequate electricity for the charging stations? What else needs to be considered?

Offering the right system

Let's arrange an meeting either on-site or remotely, so that we can offer you a system package perfectly suited to your needs.

Installing the hardware

We will install the equipment required for your system quickly and safely. 

Training for use

We provide training on how to use the system, as well as comprehensive written instructions for all parties involved. 

Managing maintenance

If there are challenges with your hardware, we'll take care of the maintenance so you don't have to do anything. 

Lasse Erjamo, Martinlaakson pysäköintihalli

"The absolute strength of the Tolotech access control system is its overall increased security in the Martinlaakso hall."

Reijo Kuusela, Länsi-Viikinmäen pysäköinti

"Tolotech's access control system allows the user to gain access to entrances without delay."

Sami Vainionpää, Helsingin Arabianranta

"For me, data security and domesticity play an important role when it comes to the data protection of residents' personal data."

Increased efficiency and safety

For more than two decades, Tolotech has been providing its customers with access control systems that are ahead of their time, which has also enabled the development of several equally long customer relationships.

Are you interested in our advanced system?