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Opening methods for our access control system

Tolotech's T4 control unit, when installed on a door, allows a wide range of different opening methods that work in parallel. The system requires an electrified gate, boom or any door located at the entrance. Over the years, telephone call opening has become an increasingly more popular and popular opening method at our sites. And although the evolution of the hardware has led to the emergence of more and more ingenious opening methods, you can still open a door, boom or gate with a phone call!

One of the most traditional methods of electronic unlocking is the PIN code. Keypads can be found in all kinds of environments and there were not too many open questions about their operation. In Tolotech systems, it is possible to install a keypad in conjunction with our controller hardware, allowing users to use unique PIN codes for access. 

When it comes to car parks or other spaces used by different types of vehicles, the number one solution in terms of convenience is definitely license plate recognition and the equipment that enables it. The license plate recognition camera, together with our T4 controller, makes life easy for the user. If you have access rights, the system will open the door for you after reading the vehicle's number plate. 

The flagship of our opening methods is, of course, the ToloGo mobile app, which itself contains several different opening methods. These will be discussed in more detail next week, with instructions on how to get started. In all simplicity, however, opening a door is as simple as tapping "Open" on the desired door. That's all you need to do. The latest version of ToloGo is available for everyone to download on both the App Store and Google Play Store. After downloading the app, you will need to register as a user of the service. If you know that you have been granted access to an existing location, please register using the email address to which access has been granted.

We will go through all the opening methods, ToloGo features and general tips for using our systems together in a webinar on 4 June. Whether you are a location administrator or an end-user from any customer segment, come along and ask your questions about using our systems directly to our systems experts. The event will be held remotely via our YouTube channel, which can be found for example in the "News" section of our website. See you on 4 June at 9.00!