Booking system
With Tolotech Oy's booking system, you can organise your activities with unprecedented ease.
ToloBook provides you with a growing digital platform. It allows you to organise your bookable spaces, sell ancillary products and organise courses. What's more, you can bring your services to a whole new range of customers.
The system has been developed with the customer in mind and with usability in mind. Despite this, the software also looks good.

Through numerous iterations, ToloBook has become increasingly reliable. The development work will continue from now on.

If you wish, you can integrate the reservation system with our access control system, saving you not only resources but also time.

Flexible support
Efficient maintenance and extensive system support are included in all services provided. Tolotech Oy takes good care of its customers.

Bookable times displayed
Your customers can benefit from your services in a couple of different ways. The easiest way to book is with the ToloGo mobile app.
The easiest way to book times, facilities, rental equipment and courses is through ToloGo. If you have ToloAccess access control in place, ToloGo is the first choice for your customers. ToloGo also enables you to leverage the network effect of the digital platform at your location.
It is also possible to offer your services through a personalised booking page online. However, in this case, the benefits of the digital platform will not be realised. The ease of web booking is highlighted by the fact that your customers do not need a separate application to make their reservations.
1. Appearance
Practicality and visual appeal
The booking system acts as a billboard for your business. As such, we feel it should look good to your customers. We have developed the system with usability in mind, without forgetting the visuals of the application. Our customers' opinions have always been important to us, so all feedback regarding usability and layout is thoroughly addressed by our software development team.
2. Reliability
Reliable automation
ToloBook provides you with a reliable information system to manage your reservations. Add our ToloAccess access control system and automation works as if by itself. We make sure that doors open when they're supposed to and that shifts are filled logically and efficiently.
3. Automation
Comprehensive support for all challenges.
Tolotech Oy is known for its quality partners and efficient service and support. Should any problems arise with the system, you can be sure that the problem will be dealt with without delay. In addition, the system familiarisation process is individualised for each customer.