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Tolotech participated in Tietoturva ry's security review

The day before yesterday, Tolotech participated in the Tietoturva ry's Information Security Review, which also highlighted recent events in the world of cybersecurity. The event provided a unique opportunity for our staff to hear and learn about current security issues. Speakers included Mikko Hyppönen, Jyri Paasonen, Marcus Murray and Jarno Limnéll. 

The most hotly debated topics were global politics and information interference in this context, as well as various forms of blackmail and how to defend against them. These themes were touched upon in several contributions, and no wonder. The number of cyber-attacks is likely to increase in the future. 

For Tolotech, participating in the Security Review was particularly valuable as it gave us the opportunity to network with leading experts in the field and share experiences with other companies. The topics covered at the event and the expert presentations gave us a deeper understanding of current and future threats, which is crucial for improving our operations and ensuring cyber security.

We constantly strive to update our skills and use the latest technologies and methods to stay one step ahead of cyber threats. The cyber security review gave us valuable insights that we can apply in our practical work to ensure the safest possible service experience for our customers.